Making a choice to change jobs can be daunting but rewarding. It all takes a mix of following your instinct and in planning ahead.
Before you make any drastic decision on your employment future, it makes sense to look at where you are and what you want for the future.
Knowing what will interest you and what will inspire you to get up in the morning is a great start to making a change. Too many people stay in dead-end jobs that they actually hate and dislike every minute of their working life.
Whilst it might be noble to continue to support yourself or your family in a job that you don’t like, it can also be debilitating and even soul-destroying in the long term.
Finding a new job or a new role can be an uplifting experience and be inspiring to other aspects of your life.
How to take those first steps into a new role?
Preparing for a change of job
It always pays to prepare for any change, but most notably with changing jobs.
You may not have to undergo a full DISC profiling or work through all the different aspects of what role will suit you in the most ideal sense. There are ways to help you find what you are looking for that don’t take a great deal of time or monetary outlay.
If the decision-making process is too difficult or causes more confusion than anything, it is wise to turn things on their head. Rather than trying to find what you would like, it can be extremely beneficial to make note of what you don’t like.
As an example, if you don’t want a client-facing role or to work in a large team, then you can hone your focus on smaller employers and a so-called ‘backstage’ rather than ‘front of the house position.
Some people can simplify the job search process by concentrating on what they have always wanted to do with their life. Others just want to try a totally different work role to make a fresh start.
A flexible approach to changing jobs
The key point to remember is that there is no set right or wrong path to a new role or position. As long as you follow what is true to you and listen to your instincts and the advice of trusted sources, you are more likely to make the right decision.
Even if the initial move is not what you hoped for or fails to live up to its promise, you need to reassure yourself that you already have momentum. Changing your work situation once means that you can do it again if you need to.
It is often the case that someone takes on a new role but finds that a different job is now available. This can be at the same place of employment or a role from a previous interview that was thought to be unsuccessful.
Being open to new opportunities is important. There is not always a clear path from one job to another. There are many variables at play, so it is crucial that you look at the bigger picture and the smaller details along the way.
Starting anew before leaving the old
There is a strong argument for applying for a new job whilst you are still employed in your current position.
Another way to gain entry into a new role is to look at ways of ‘testing the waters’ before making a dive into the unknown.
This can be from doing a work training course after hours or taking on a part-time position to help you ascertain if the new role covers all your needs.
If you were thinking of being a nanny, then it makes sense to take on one of the casual babysitting jobs Melbourne offers. If you wanted to be a housekeeper in Melbourne, you could start by assisting someone else with an established business before taking on the role as your own.
A new role in the same business
There can a rich and rewarding way to make a fresh start in your employment. This may be taking a new job with your current employment.
There are many benefits to taking on a role ‘in-house’ such as:
- You are already familiar with the business and the workplace
- You may know the people involved in the new role for a seamless change
- The employer also knows you and your way of working
- You have access to all the internal resources and support
- You can get an insider knowledge to the role and the team from colleagues
You need to remember that there are some special circumstances when you take an internal role which can include a longer trial period and the ability to take back your original position if the new one doesn’t match your or your employer’s expectations.
Many corporate employers have courses in leadership coaching and mentoring that can present new opportunities of their own.
Support in a new role
No job is perfect in every sense, but there is the reassurance that you have external resources to call on if you need them.
If the work issue is a small one or of a serious nature such as misconduct in the workplace, there is external HR support to provide professional and expert advice.
Knowing that you are not alone in your new role is a great comfort and can give you an added boost when you are contemplating a job change.
One of the most vital parts of any job is the role that the people that you work with play in making it a rewarding experience.
There is no particular advantage to having a wonderful job if the role involves working with colleagues who are constantly negative and working against you or if the whole work environment is a toxic one.
Finding the right role within a supportive and positive setting can be a great gift and one that you can cherish for many years to come.
It is your job to find a position that meets your needs, your expectations and one in which you can thrive.